Reference and Existence: The John Locke Lectures. Oxford University Press (2013).
“For decades getting a copy of these lectures has been a holy grail for philosophers working on fiction… It will no doubt be a major influence on work in these areas for decades to come.” –Amie Thomasson, University of Miami

Philosophical Troubles: Collected Papers, Volume 1. Oxford University Press (2011).
“Simply a ‘must-have’ of analytic philosophy.” –Paul Boghossian, New York University

Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language. Harvard University Press (1982).
“Kripke’s interpretation, and his arguments, deserve—and will repay—extremely careful attention.” –Philosophical Books

Naming and Necessity. Harvard University Press and Wiley-Blackwell (1980).
“Naming and Necessity helped to shatter a centuries-old consensus on the nature of the fundamental semantical concepts of connotation and reference, as well as challenging received ideas about necessity and contingency.” –Hilary Putnam, Harvard University