Visitors and Affiliates

Eduardo Barrio (PhD, University of Buenos Aires), professor of logic at the University of Buenos Aires, is an Affiliated Research Scholar with the Saul Kripke Center. He has collaborated with the Center on work on Kripke’s theory of truth.

Michael Devitt (PhD, Harvard), Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Graduate Center, CUNY, is the former Chair of the Saul Kripke Center’s Board. His main research interests are in the philosophy of language and linguistics, and in issues of realism. He is the author of numerous books including Designation (1981), Realism and Truth (1984/1991/1997), Coming to Our Senses (1996), Ignorance of Language (2006), and Putting Metaphysics First (2010).

Michael Devitt (Photograph)
Anandi Hattiangadi

Anandi Hattiangadi (PhD, History and Philosophy of Science, Trinity College, Cambridge), Professor of Philosophy at Stockholm University and Researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies, is an Affiliated Research Scholar at the Saul Kripke Center, having previously been a Visiting Research Scholar in 2023. She specializes in the philosophy of mind, language, and logic, and her work has been profoundly influenced by the work of Saul Kripke.

Oliver Marshall (PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY) is an Affiliated Research Scholar with the Saul Kripke Center and its former Assistant Director. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, UNAM.

Gary Ostertag (PhD, The Graduate Center, CUNY) is an Affiliated Research Scholar with the Saul Kripke Center. Director of the Center from 2009-14, he is currently Affiliated Associate Professor in the PhD Program in Philosophy at the Graduate Center and Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department at Nassau Community College. His research is primarily in philosophy of language and the history of analytic philosophy but he has also written on the ontology of musical works and the metaphysics of relations.  

Panu Raatikainen (PhD, University of Helsinki) is an Affiliated Research Scholar with the Saul Kripke Center. He is currently a Professor of Philosophy at the Tampere University, Finland. His research interests include logic and computability, theories of truth, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and metaphysics. 

Ralph Gregory Taylor (PhD, Columbia University) is a Visiting Research Scholar with the Saul Kripke Center. He works on logic and its history.